Marriage Boot Camp is a non-profit 501c3 charitable organization whose mission is bring health and healing to both couples and singles, enabling them to become their very best selves and have the very best relationships!
Research estimates that it costs corporations upwards of $300 billion a year! Most of us who have worked in corporate America can attest to the lowered productivity, absenteeism, errors, accidents and poor decision-making associated with family crisis.
We are here to help and we know it works. In 2002 we embarked on a longitudinal study to determine the efficacy of our program. We took 62 couples who came to the Boot Camp on the verge of divorce. 89% left the Boot Camp in love and recommitted to their families, but that’s not all! We followed the successful couples for 2 years. At the end of this period, 85% identified themselves as “happily married”! Compare that to traditional marriage counseling. Studies show that only 11% to 18% of couples made gains that lasted more than a year.
With this in mind, it’s our goal to build the Boot Camp program and to show donors how they can make the most of their contributions, including steering them toward matching gift programs.
Since Marriage Boot Camp shares so many of the values that make your company great, we’d like to enter into a partnership with your organization.
As a thank you for featuring us on your matching gifts program web page, we will offer your employees a 50% scholarship to both our Marriage Boot Camp for couples and Life Enrichment Boot Camp for individuals.